Perfect Status Screen

This script will Display necessary information regarding an 
actors stats, parameters, "Vitality", "Strength", 
"Dexterity" and "Magic".
There is also 5 rows of fully customizable information e.g hometown, relationship status, favourate food, whatever
you want to call them, and you can change their information via simple script calls. 

This script now requires THIS Core script

24 thoughts on “Perfect Status Screen

    1. Dekita-RPG says:

      do a script call like so…

      pinfo1(1, “This is an example”)
      This will make Actor 1’s perfect info 1 say “This is an example”

      pvari1(1, 50)
      This will change Actor 1’s perfect variable to the value of 50 ^_^

      1. TK says:

        So I’m very, very new to this obviously and still not getting it. My trouble is I can’t get separate Personal Information for every actor, just one set will display for everyone.

  1. amicable says:

    Thanks for this script, I love it! I don’t suppose there could be a way to set the information through notetags though? I’m still getting used to using them 😛

  2. Dekita-RPG says:

    which information are your reffering too ? you mean the perfect information ? i could set them up as notetags but theres really no need as its easy enough to use a few script calls toset them when each actor joins the party 😀 i guess i could though lol

  3. Rini says:

    Mine keeps saying there’s an error with line 445.
    I’m pretty amateur at this so I have no idea what to do about something like that.

  4. Dekita-RPG says:

    oh thats my fault sorry, i thought i had removed that, make line 445 – 448 have a # at the beggining of the line, or use my stat point distribution script. sorry bout that.

  5. justin says:

    How do I change the name of Life, Will, Rage and Attack ect?
    I like the positions, I just need to call them other things D:

    (I love your script by the way you are my hero)

  6. justin says:

    omg I love you, I ask a question, left for work and you had an answer ready for me when I got home.

    I say this with zero 90s sarcasm. You da man!

  7. tsumi otoko says:

    Hi, I tested your script. I think you should mention this script also requires Perfect Stat Point Distribution System. I just have an error after only using two above scripts mentioned.

    1. Dekita-RPG says:

      It shouldn’t require the stat point script. only the Perfect CORE ( as thats what holds all the information of how to draw the gauges ect)
      il have to look into that, thanks for the report 🙂

  8. Potato says:

    Hi, your script is amazing thanks !

    I just have a problem : I would like to replace the actor descriptions by different notes depending of the page, I don’t think it’s really difficult, but I don’t know how to do ^^’
    Do you have an idea ?
    (Sorry for my bad english :p)

  9. Dekita-RPG says:

    sorry, im not doing any updates for this script anymore.
    the perfect script series is no longer supported.

    if you have some knowledge of scripting with ruby code then it shouldn’t be too hard to achieve what you are asking.
    but then again, it depends on what kind of information you are wanting to show 🙂

  10. Camelslayer says:

    Not a bad script, but the lack in customization pretty much kills it entirely for me. While others may want Ex/Sp-Parameters available, I don’t, and there’s no easy way to remove it.
    Variance on the stats is beyond pointless. I would rather have an exact number, not a range of where the stat might be. As would virtually everyone.
    I’d keep user-friendliness in mind next time.

      1. Camelslayer says:

        I have; I’m mainly looking for a status menu that gives elemental resistances. While that one does so, the elements, for some reason, just won’t show up for me. =/

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